In the previous tutorial , we got to know about JMeter, its feature, importance and it's workflow. Since, JMeter is pure java application, you should have java installed your system. Therefore, before we download and start working on JMeter we will first go through this tutorials of How to Install Java on Mac OS?
If you already have Java in your system please make sure that it's version is either 8 or 9 as JMeter4.0 does not support Java 10 and Java 7 or it's prior versions.
How to Check Java Version on Mac & WIndows
To find out if Java is already there on your system or to check its version follow below steps below.
1.For MAC navigate to terminal press command + space. As soon as you press command + space Spotlight will appear.
For Windows to navigate to Command Prompt press Window + R or go to Run.
2.For MAC type terminal in the spotlight and press Enter.
For Windows type cmd and press Enter.
3. Type java -version on terminal and press Enter.
For Windows as well type java -version and press Enter on command prompt to check java version.
NOTE: When I write java -version on terminal or command prompt, java version 1.8.0_171 will return on terminal which signifies Java 8 is already there on my system.
How to Install Java on Mac OS?
If you do not have java on your system follow the steps below. We will download and install java on MAC OS.
If you wish to install java on Windows you may skip this tutorial and may refer our tutorial Install JDK on Windows and Set Environment Path on Windows. But make sure that it's version is either 8 or 9 as JMeter4.0 does not support Java 10 and Java 7 or it's prior versions.
- Click here to download Java.
Note: Just be careful while clicking on download, as the you will also find the latest version of Java as well on the same page, but you are interested in only Java 8 for Jmeter 4 as on 4th July'18. May be later with new JMeter version, new Java version will be used.
- Accept License agreement and click jdk-8u171-macosx-x64.dmg
3. As you will click above mentioned file. A prompt at the bottom will appear saying "This type of file may harm your computer". Click Keep.
- Go to the downloads folder of your system and there will be jdk-8u171-macosx-x64.dmg. Double click jdk-8u171-macosx-x64.dmg file
- Java Development Kit prompt will appear, as it appear double click the icon to install JDK
- After double click, Install JDK 8 Update window will appear as shown below. Click Continue
7. Click Install
- As soon you will click install, a window will appear as shown below. In the password field provide your system's password and click install software.
- Finally, when installation will complete The installation was completed successfully will appear on the window. Click Close
After performing the above installation steps Java must be there in your system. Please check if Java is successfully installed on your machine or not. You may follow the same steps as above that we followed to check if Java is already on your system.
If java version does not appear please go through the steps one by one once again.
Hereby, I assume that you have Java on your machines. In the next tutorial we will take a quick look on what's new in JMeter 4.0 and will download and launch JMeter on our machines.